Tomato Salad with coriander seeds and garlic

This is one of these salads that (I think) you'll make over and over again - it's simple flavours coming together beautifully, it's thrown together super quickly and let's get real - good tomatoes is all we need in summer.

What you need

Enough for 6 as starter/side

  • 1 KG cherry tomatoes (or sub other tomatoes; they should be in season and full of flavour)
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • ca. 5 garlic cloves
  • 1-2 handful of loosely picked coriander leaves
  • (Olive) oil
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Wash your tomatoes and leave them to dry off.
  2. Chop up your cloves of garlic; I would go for large but thin slices.
  3. Add a few tbsp of oil to a pan (I will leave the quantity to you) and add your coriander seeds; a neutral oil is good here. Olive oil also works but try and keep the temperature relatively low.
  4. Once you hear the coriander seeds crackling; add your chopped garlic. Make sure your'e not frying everything on high heat; you want the oil to infuse and the garlic shouldn't burn. Once the garlic has turned slightly dark, take the pan off the heat and let the oil sit.
  5. If using cherry, just cut your tomatoes in half and add them all to a bowl. Once everything is cut up, add your garlic and coriander seed mixture on top.
  6. Pick your coriander leaves and add them - I would avoid chopping and also using the stem as picking off the leaves will leave you with a more subtle taste. (Don't waste the stems; you can use them to create broth, pesto, dressings, etc - don't waste that flavour!)
  7. Season with salt and pepper and mix well. Depending on how how much (and which) oil you used, you may want to add a small dash of good quality olive oil to finish everything off!!

Also good this season


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